
Injection Grouting work for Concrete Structures shall be done as per the following procedure for Roof Slab, Terrace, RCC Tanks, Sumps, Ducts, Tunnels, Bridges etc.,





[1].     Drilling of holes with power drilling machine

           to the required depth [12mm to 14mm dia holes]

[2].     Fixing of Rubber Nozzles  with cement  and quick setting,

          Hardening compound  putty–RAPIDSTRONG QS  /


[3].    Grouting of holes with 140 PSI Grout pump with

          cement slurry  mixing with Specialized Free flow, Non-shrink

          Grout additive  - RAPIDSTRONG GROUT ADMIX

           (ARMSTRONG )

          i.e., 250 Grams weight of cement has to mix with 50 Kgs of

          Cement add  required water to make slurry form.

[4].     After completion of Grouting,  Remove the Rubber nozzles

[5].     Later, Sealing of the hole, with Polymer Cement Putty -


           with Cement.               


NOTE :  For Strengthening of the structures like Columns and Beams,

               Dams, Bridges, Heavy reinforced structures etc.,  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Recommended to use Low Viscosity Epoxy Grout like –



Generally the  consumption of Epoxy grout material estimated at 500grams per each grout point depend on the porosity of concrete. 


Suggested to use Grease Guns for injection of Epoxy.




Generally in normal conditions to strengthen the concrete structures against expected voids, honeycombing and porous while laying of concrete, it is recommended One Grout point per  Sq.Mtr., area.


For Repairs against severe leakages, dampness, distressed concrete substrates it may be recommended to grout 1-2 grout points per Sq.Mtr., area of repairs,  based on the site conditions.



Grouting is one of the important treatment in Waterproofing,  Structural Repairs & Rehabilitation works and Strengthening of Structures.  It plays vital role in sealing of cracks, voids, honeycombing and porosity  developed in the concrete members. 


Injected slurry through 140 PSI pressure will spread in to the concrete in the form of prepared cement slurry mixing with free flow, non-shrink, cementitious  grout additives –  RAPIDSTRONG GROUT ADMIX / RAPIDSTRONG GROUT EG 311/RAPIDSTRONG GROUT PU / RAPIDSTRONG GROUT  PG / RAPIDSTRONG GROUT PB  (ARMSTRONG) and it makes the void, porous  concrete in to a sound substrate which increases the ultimate strength of the concrete.



Non-shrink, Free flow, High early & ultimate strength cementitious grout compound, which controls the expansion of concrete,  with  greater water retention capacity and total elimination of bleeding and segregation.  It improves adhesion and bonding strength between the reinforcement and concrete.  Because of its non-shrink character it makes the porous concrete becomes water tight and long durable substrate with improved probability and predictable performance.    




NOTE:  For Strengthening of the structures like Columns and Beams, Dams, 

              Bridges,  heavy  reinforced  structures etc., 

[                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Recommended to use Low Viscosity Epoxy Grout like  -  RAPIDSTRONG GROUT EP / 



Generally the  consumption of Epoxy grout material estimated at 500grams per each grout point depend on the porosity of concrete. 


Suggested to use Grease Guns for injection of Epoxy.



: 250 Grams  Per  bag of  50 Kgs Cement. 



 Density   1.07 Kg  / Ltr




Two part low viscosity epoxy resin injection grout effectively penetrate into narrow gaps, excellent bond strength, flow ability, non-shrink grout with  comprehensive tensile and flexural strengths. Produces excellent strength to the structures where mechanical properties, chemical resistance is required.


Dosage /  Coverage  : 

ROOFCRETE AR 576 : (Armstrong ) @ 500ml  to  2 Ltrs  per  Bag  of  50 Kgs Cement. 


RAPIDSTRONG QS : 1 to 3  Ltrs  per  Bag of  50 Kgs 

Cement Depending on the setting time required.

Specialized Acrylic Polymer Elastomeric Cementitious Waterproofing treatment  for Concrete / Mortar  Substrates  shall be done as per the following procedure for Roof slabs, Terrace, Sloped Roofs, Water retaining Structures, Masonry/brick walls,  Toilets etc.,







[1].   Cleaning of the surface from dirt, dust, removing of loose

         plastering and other  contaminations


[2].   In case of Tar/bitumen felt was applied earlier, it should be totally

         removed including layer contaminated with Tar/bitumen


[3]. Application of Two coats of Acrylic based Polymer Elastomeric

       Cementitious Waterproofing Treatment with – ROOFCOAT

       mixing with cement at 1:2 ratio by adding upto 20% water to

       make it like a paint  consistency with an intermediate time 

       gap of 3–4 hours between the Ist and IInd coat.


Note :  For  Waterproofing of new  buildings, the  said treatment  on the mother slab is  the best,  after  2nd coat,  on wet  condition , laying of the cement screed / mortar  treatment  advised for long standing / durable waterproofing.





Surface Preparation:

Surface preparation is of great importance and will affect the degree of adhesion and life of the coatings, before carrying out the treatment, the surface must be absolutely free from dirt, dust, laitance, loose particles, grease etc., In case of Tar/bitumen felt was applied earlier, it should be totally removed, by means of wire brushing and if required acid etching can be done.  Surface is then thoroughly sprinkled with water during the summer period.  Recommended plastering  on the  loose particles removed area. 



Acrylic Polymer Elastomeric Cementitious coating system has its importance in waterproofing of a structure, because the applied coating will forms into a tough, highly elastic, water impermeable, seamless membrane which penetrates deeply into the applied substrate.


The coating system in alternative to conventional cement of waterproofing will definitely have an edge, because of ease application, excellent performance and high resistant power to with stand against cyclic weather conditions years together.  Being it is an cementitious coating,   its bonding adhesion and high penetration will taken care of coating against mechanical damages. 






The Acrylic Polymer modified, Elastomeric liquid, which has to be mixed with fine cement (gray or white) when mixed in proportion, forms an easily brushable coating,  provides tough flexible hard wearing surface with waterproofing. Resistant to most diluted acids, alkalies, salts, fungus growth and long term weathering durable in all climatic conditions, including U. V. attack. It develops excellent bonding and adheres to most substrates.  It is a non-toxic material thus can be applied for water retaining structures that used for drinking. It is an highly elastic material provides excellent breath ability of coating.



 can be effectively used on both old and new concrete surfaces, Exterior walls for damp proof, A.C. Roofs,  Vertical surfaces, Water retaining structures, Sunkens, Pre-ast roofs  and can be used as water repellent coating without mixing cement.


Dosage / Coverage : 


Surface  coating  :   Part  1  :  1 Ltr  Cement :  2 Kgs  +

Sufficient water to make it as paint like consistency mix 

Coverage  :    25  to 30 SFT  /  Ltr /  2  Coats

Specialized Crystallization waterproofing treatment for Concrete Substrates  shall be done as per the following procedure for cellar  treatments, Roof slabs, Terrace, Sloped Roofs, against negative pressure of water retaining Structures.






            (a). Thorough Cleaning of the surface with wire brushes and

                 chiseling equipments.

          (b).  Water wash the area which has to receive  the application

                  of  ROOFEX / ROOFEX 2K (ARMSTRONG)

          (c). Application of one coat of Crystalline coating with – ROOFEX /

                ROOFEX 2K  (ARMSTRONG)

                (add required  water to make paint like consistency)

                 @ 0.7 Sq. Mtrs/ per Kg / per coat.



Note :  Curing has to do by spraying of water thoroughly every 2 Hrs.

              intervals during the day time for 2 Days on the treated area. 





Surface Preparation:

Surface preparation is of great importance and will affect the degree of adhesion and life of the coatings, before carrying out the treatment, the surface must be absolutely free from dirt, dust, laitance, loose particles, grease etc., Surface is then thoroughly sprinkled with water. 




Being the entry point of the water is from the negative side  due to the increased  ground water table or by any other reason and oozing  out through the concrete, in some cases the surrounding outside area of the building below the ground level has been fully covered and we can’t excavate the entire area, hence, we must have to treat  the surface from the  internal portion of the  concrete  that means we should have to do the waterproofing from the negative side of the entry point of the leakages.   Since the  objective of  crystallization technology  will be  to  penetrate deep  into the applied concrete  surface  and  due to catalytic reaction  it develops a  non soluable  crystals formation  with a continuous process  upto 30 cms deep into the applied concrete    which  produces  an impermeable  surface  against penetration of water.       



The crystalline coating system of  ROOFEX / ROOFEX 2K (ARMSTRONG) to seals the possible pores and capillary tracks of concrete with self  healing of cracks upto 0.4mm.  Excellent waterproofing treatment  for positive and negative pressures of leakages, seepages and dampness protects concrete and reinforced steel permits concrete to breathe, produces crystalline formation on moistured concrete thus it strengthen the pores concrete into a sound /hard substrate through its gross routes.


Dosage  / Coverage :   



Add:1 part of water to 3 parts of ROOFEX(ARMSTRONG ) by volume  and mix  to the  consistency like a  paint.  (Coverage : 1 to 1.5 Kgs /M2/Coat).

Specialized Polysulphide Sealant treatment to the Expansion joints shall be done as per the following procedure for Terrace, Floors, Vertical/Horizontal, Internal/External.




[1]. Surface preparation


[2]. Making Groove with Polymer Cement mortar 1: 4 mix, with

      Acrylic Polymer admixture for Structural Concrete/mortar –


      (ARMSTRONG) @ 2 Ltrs per bag of 50 Kgs. Cement., to a width

      and depth of 25mm


Heavy structures ROOFBOND EP epoxy bonding  agent preferable.


[3]. Fixing of Supportive Thermacol / Polyethylene foam inside of

       the Groove by  leaving the depth of 12mm.


[4]. Fixing of Adhesive tape on the both sides of joints.


 [5]. Application of primer one coat   -  ROOFSEAL PRIMER   /

          ( ARMSTRONG)


[6]. Filling of Polysulphide sealant  -   ROOFSEAL PS

      (ARMSTRONG) for the expansion joints  (to the width of 25mm  and 12mm



[7]. Removing of Adhesive Tape and applying two coats of Acrylic

       Polymer Cementitious waterproofing coating with  ROOFCOAT  FLEXI 100 

       Or  ROOFCOAT  / ROOFBOND RFX / ROOFBOND FRC ( Armstrong )

       on the groove on both sides.



Surface preparation is of great importance and will affect the degree of adhesion and life of the sealant, before carrying out the treatment, the groove must be clean from dirt, dust and other contaminations. In case of Tar/bitumen sealant was applied earlier, it should be totally removed. In case of any covering made on original joint it must be broken out and expose the joint.



Disturbed edges of the groove must be treated with Polymer cement putty, in case the width of groove was uneven, make it in standard width of 25mm with Polymer Cement Concrete / mortar of 1:2 :4 ratio admixing with Acrylic Polymer admixture for concrete/mortar -  ROOFCRETE  AR 576 Or ROOFBOND SBR  (ARMSTRONG ) @ 2 Ltrs., per bag of 50 kgs., Cement, to get greater compressive and flexural strength of applied concrete/mortar for groove preparation.


Heavy structures ROOFBOND EP epoxy bonding  agent preferable.



For sealing of expansion joint the use of Polysulphide is of very much importance as because, the structural expansion joint takes movement of thermal expansion and contractions cyclically, to withstand against the movements cementitious, bitumen materials are not suitable being all this products are not capable to produce required expansion and contraction movements and subsequently these treatments will fails.


Whereas the Polysulphide sealant has a unique advantage of accommodation of cyclic movements of expansion and contraction upto 30% of design width of the joint, being it is in rubberized form it won’t allow the water to penetrate thus arresting the leakage of water through the joints, if not disturbed by means of  mechanical or natural calamities.




Two part Polysulphide sealant [confirming to BS 4254 & WRC tests] available in both Gun grade and Pouring grade, has a good adhesion to most building material.  Resistant to high temperatures, U V Rays, Ozone and weathering conditions, it has a movement capability of + 30% (plus 30%) of  designed width of the joints.  Performs well in a temperature ranging from –40 degrees centigrade to+100 degrees centigrade. Preferable to use Pouring grade for sealing of floor joints.



Dependable solution for treatment of Expansion/Construction, Cold, Dummy joints and Joints in Traffic areas like Bridges, Runways of Airports, Pavements, Taxi parking areas, Roads and Structural cracks / joints,  It can also used to seal the joints of  Water retaining structures.

Dosage / Coverage : 


ROOFSEAL PS  : ( Armstrong )

Gun Grade  :  L=650 / W&D

L= Length of the joint  in linear running  meters.

W= Width of the joint  in  mm

D=Depth of the joint in mm



(Armstrong )

50 – 55  Sft / Ltr  / coat  or   8-10%  of  sealant  quantity


NOTE  :   Wherever  non porous  surfaces  are there,  non porous 

       primer  has  to  be  used.

Specialized Polysulphide Sealant treatment to the Terrace / Concrete shall be done as per the following procedure for sealing of  Cracks, Gaps in Vertical/Horizontal and  Internal/External.






[1].  Surface preparation


[2].  Making ‘U’ Groove by chipping of existing crack  to a

        minimum width and depth of 6mm


[3].  Fixing of Adhesive tape on the both sides of crack.


[4]. Application of primer one coat –  ROOFSEAL PRIMER   /

       ( ARMSTRONG)  


[5]. Filling of  the Polysulphide sealant – ROOFSEAL PS  or ROOFSEAL PU

      (ARMSTRONG ) for the groove (to a minimum width

      and depth of 6 mm).


[6]. Removing of Adhesive Tape and applying two coats of Acrylic

       Polymer  Cementitious waterproofing coating with ROOFCOAT FLEXI 100

       / ROOFCOAT /   ROOFBOND RFX / ROOFBOND FRC  on the groove.



Surface preparation is of great importance and will affect the degree of adhesion and life of the sealant, before carrying out the treatment, the groove must be clean from dirt, dust and other contaminations. In case of Tar/bitumen sealant was applied earlier, it should be totally removed.



Existing terrace cracks will be chipped off  and cutting to a minimum width and depth of 6mm and to a maximum of 10mm width & depth, these should be carefully done by using sharp edged chisels or by using electrical concrete / marble cutters with increased depth, further opened by means of wire brushing to remove the loose particles and cleaning of the groove from dirt and dust, if necessary use air blowers also for cleaning of the groove.



For sealing of Terrace / concrete cracks the use of Polysulphide is of very much importance as because, the concrete structure takes movement of thermal expansion and contractions cyclically, to withstand against the movements, the cementitious materials, bitumen products will not suitable being all this products are not capable of  producing required expansion and contraction movements and subsequently these treatments will fails.


Whereas the Polysulphide sealant has a unique advantage of accommodation of cyclic movements of expansion and contraction, being it is in rubberized form it won’t allow the water to penetrate,  thus arresting the leakage of water through the cracks.





Two part Polysulphide sealant [confirming to BS 4254 & WRC tests] available both in Gun grade and Pouring grade, has a good adhesion to most building material. Resistant to high temperatures, U V Rays, Ozone and weathering conditions, it has a movement accommodation as required by the structure. Performs well in a temperature ranging from –40 degrees centigrade to + 100 degrees centigrade.



Dependable solution for treatment of Terrace cracks, Concrete floor cracks and other structural cracks.  It can also used to seal the cracks  of  Water retaining structures like Aquaducts, Under tunnels, Reservoirs, Sumps, Supply Lines [Concrete pipes] etc.,



ROOFSEAL PS : (Armstrong)

Gun Grade  :  L=650 / W&D

L= Length of the joint  in linear running  meters.

W= Width of the joint  in  mm

D=Depth of the joint in mm



ROOFSEAL  PRIMER  (Porous Primer ) (Armstrong )


50 – 55  Sft / Ltr  / coat  or   8-10%  of  sealant  quantity

Specialized Acrylic Latex treatment to the Masonry wall cracks of both Vertical / Horizontal and Internal / Exterior surfaces  shall be done as per the following procedure:  




[1]. Surface preparation

[2]. Making ‘U’ Groove by chipping of existing crack  to a

       minimum width  and depth of 6 mm


[3].  If necessaryFilling of the groove with Acrylic Polymer cementitious putty

        upto 50% depth as backup support material,  mixing with


        Cement and Fine sand at 1:1:1 ratio add required water to make

        paste like consistency of mix and

[4].  Sealing of groove with Acrylic Latex Caulking compound



Otherwise without doing the item no.3, can do only item no.4.


NOTE: * For treatment of cracks with hollowness, Shrinkage cracks,

                Widen dead cracks, the above recommended treatment shall be

                applied on both sides of  the crack and in addition to this the

                treatment of Injection grouting shall be taken up as per the

                procedure [enclosed separate sheet for grouting]for complete

                sealing of hollowness, gaps and to bridge the separation of two

                parts of structure.


             * Acrylic  Latex  Caulking compounds are paintable                      




 Surface preparation is of great importance and will affect the degree of adhesion and life of the sealant, before carrying out the treatment, the groove must be clean from dirt, dust and other contaminations.




Existing masonry cracks will be chipped off  and cutting to a minimum width and depth of 6mm and to a maximum of 10mm width & depth, and make them ‘V’ shaped groove, these should be carefully done by using sharp edged chisels or by using electrical concrete / marble cutters with increased depth, further opened by means of wire brushing to remove the loose particles and cleaning of the groove from dirt and dust.



For sealing of masonry cracks the use of Acrylic latex is of very much importance as because, the masonry walls had effected with cyclic weathering conditions, to withstand against expected cyclic movements or breath ability of cement, latex materials was the best suitable ones, because the cementitious materials doesn’t suitable under cyclic weather conditions and it may develop the crack again.


Whereas the Latex caulking compound has a unique advantage of withstanding against cyclic weather conditions, being it is based on acrylic latex,  it won’t allow the water to penetrate,  thus arresting the leakage of water through the cracks and to increase the life of the sealant it is proposed to fill the groove upto 50% depth with Acrylic Polymer cementitious putty to produce backup support and strengthen the crack with excellent compressive strength and flexural strength.





An Acrylic latex caulk with water resistant, highly elastic,  ready to use single product in paste form,  has a good adhesion to most building material, durable performance in wide temperature variations, resistant to high temperatures, U V Rays, Ozone and weathering conditions,  remarkably cohesive, creamy paste of high plasticity for deeper penetration and excellent bonding and fully water resistant.



Most useful for filling, plugging & sealing of cracks, cavities, holes, tile joints, construction joints, pipe joints etc.,   


Dosage   /  Coverage  : 



Depends upon   depth  and  width of the  cracks




Recommended  to mix polymer liquid @ 500ml  to 2 Ltrs  per  Bag  of  50 Kgs  Cement. 

Specialized Food Neutral Epoxy Waterproofing treatment  for Water retaining structures like Reservoirs, Sumps, OHT’s, Ducts, Tunnels, Dams etc.,  shall be done as per the following procedure :







[1].   Cleaning of the surface from dirt, dust, loose particles and other




[2]. Application of Two coats of Food Neutral Epoxy Waterproofing

        treatment with – ROOFCARE  EP(ARMSTRONG) with an intermediate

        time gap of 3–4 hours between the Ist and IInd  coat.




Surface Preparation:


Surface preparation is of great importance and will affect the degree of adhesion and life of the coatings, before carrying out the treatment, the surface must be absolutely free from dirt, dust, laitance, loose particles, grease etc., by means of wire brushing.




Two component Food Neutral Epoxy coating system has its importance in waterproofing of water retaining structures, because the applied coating will forms into a tough, highly elastic, water impermeable, seamless membrane which penetrates deeply into the substrate.


The Food Neutral Epoxy coatings free from solvents it does not pose any health hazards when the coated surfaces contacted with drinking  water. In alternative to the conventional methods of treatment it suits better, because of its ease of application proven performance, avoiding expedient labour and material cost   and in depth penetration will taken care of coating against mechanical damages. 





The two component epoxy resin based waterproofing compound, one part is consisting of epoxy resin and the other part with curing agent, after mixing both the parts it can be thinned down with water, it possesses all the attributes of normal solvent based epoxy compositions such as excellent water and chemical resistance, adhesion, hardness, toughness and mechanical strength.  The major advantage of this product is that it can be applied on damp surface also.  Being free from solvents, it does not pose any health hazards.  It penetrates in concrete/plaster, seals the porosity and network of fine cracks, reduces water permeability, excellent resistant to the growth of fungus & micro organismsIt is  not  U.V. resistant.



Dosage / Coverage :


ROOFCARE  EP  :  (Armstrong )

70  to  80 SFT  Per  Ltr  /  coat

Specialized High solid, Cold applied, Acrylic Elastomeric liquid membrane Waterproofing treatment for roof slabs, terrace, sloped roofs, pre-cast roofs etc.,  shall be done as per the following procedure:





[1]   Cleaning of the surface from dirt, dust, loose particles and other

        Contaminations. (Recommended  re-plastering on the plaster 

         removed area )  


[2]   In case of Tar/bitumen felt was applied earlier, it should be totally

        removed including layer contaminated with Tar/bitumen


[3]   Providing and sealing of Cracks, by making ‘U’ groove of 6mm

        width & depth with Polysulphide sealant–ROOFSEAL PS / ROOFSEAL PU

        (Armstrong). [Assumed volume  of cracks per Sq. Mtr., area was at 1 Rft.,]


[4]  Application of one coat of High solid,  Cold applied,  Acrylic

       Elastomeric membrane coating with–RAINSEAL FLEXICOAT200 /

       RAINSEAL / RAINSEAL CFR / ROOFCOAT XL  (Armstrong) as a primer

        coat by diluting the same with water @  1:1 ratio.    


[5]. Applying one coat of High solid, Cold applied, Acrylic Elastomeric

        Membrane Coating with – RAINSEAL FLEXICOAT 200 / RAINSEAL

       / RAINSEAL CFR / ROOFCOAT XL (Armstrong ) mixing  with 20% of



 [6].  On wet condition of the above treatment, immediately laying of

          Fiber mesh on the terrace.


 [7]. Application of two coats of High solid, Cold applied, Acrylic

        Elastomeric  Membrane coating with  - RAINSEAL FLEXICOAT200 /


         mixing with  20% of  water.





Surface Preparation:

Surface preparation is of great importance and will affect the degree of adhesion and life of the coatings,   surface  should be absolutely  dry and free from  dirt, dust, loose particles, damaged  plaster, oils fungus  and algies, mould agents  by means  of cleaning  the surface with wire brush and water   wash  the area.  Acid  etching  has to be done  if required, before water wash.  Recommended  plastering  on the  loose particles removed area.




High solid, Cold applied, Acrylic  Elastomeric  Membrane coating system has its importance in waterproofing of a structure, particularly for terrace, roof slab, sloped/pre cast roofs. The applied coating will forms into a tough, highly elastic, water impermeable, seamless membrane which penetrates deeply into the substrate and due to its high elongation, durable coating it withstand against high degree of weathering conditions.


The coating system in alternative to conventional cement waterproofing will definitely have an edge because of its ease application, excellent performance and high resistant power to with stand against cyclic weather conditions years together.  Being it is an acrylic elastomeric liquid membrane coating incorporated with fibre mesh the durability of treatment will be  increased  against all kinds of mechanical damages. 






The High Solid, Cold applied,  100% Acrylic Elastomeric  Membrane coating  which  is specially   developed  to improve the elongation properties  to bridge the existing  and future cracks  over a wide  temperature  range.  It is self cured  component, after application it  prevents peeling, fungus, algie growth, waterproof and weather  durable coating.   It remains  unaffected by  Salt water, Soap water, Acids and  Alkalies.  It provides multi-functional  and excellent resistant to UV rays, reflects the sunlight effectively, it act as heat transfer  barrier coating by reducing room temperature up to 4oC.


Dosage  /  Coverage  : 



50 to  60 SFT  / Ltr / coat  (for brush / spray  and  20% water  per  Ltr ) 

As  a  primer  coat application  dilute  with water  @  1: 1 recommended.

Specialized Polymer  Concrete/cement mortar treatment to the Roof slabs, Terrace, Sloped roofs, Floorings of Water retaining structures, bridges/dams etc., shall be done as per the following procedure :





[1]   Chipping of existing treatments complete, removal of debris

        and Cleaning of the surface from dirt and dust


[2]   In case of Tar/bitumen felt was applied earlier, it should be totally

        removed including layer contaminated with Tar/bitumen


[3]  Surface is then thoroughly sprinkled with water


[4].  Providing and applying one coat of Acrylic Polymer Elastomeric

        Cementitious coating as bond coat  with  -  ROOFCOAT FLEXI 100 /


       (Armstrong)mixing with Cement as per  manf., specification.


 [4]. Providing and applying second coat of Acrylic- ROOFCOAT FLEXI 100/

        ROOFCOAT/  ROOFBOND RFX / ROOFBOND FRC (Armstrong) mixing 

        with Cement as per  manfs specification.


[5].  After the second polymer coat immediately, Laying of  cement screed

        concrete  at 1: 2 :4 ratio with  6 – 12 mm down graded metal mixing

        with admixture  for concrete/mortar-ROOFGUARD 500 

        (Armstrong)  @ 500 ML, per bag of  50 Kgs cement at average thickness of

       40mm  for maintaining proper slopes. 


[6].  Immediately, Laying of cement mortar mix at  1:4 mixing with

       admixture for mortar -ROOFGUARD 500  (Armstrong ) @ 500ml

       per bag of 50 Kgs., cement at an  average thickness of  6 to 12mm  

       with neat finish.



Surface Preparation:

Chipping of existing deteriorated / damaged concrete/mortar until to achieve sound substrate of concrete,  cleaning of surface from dirt and dust.  In case of Tar/bitumen felt was applied earlier, it should be totally   removed including layer contaminated with Tar/bitumen



Polymer cement concrete/mortar treatment for waterproofing of roof slab, terrace, sloped roofs and other structures to get high strength, excellent bonding and waterproof substrate.  Particularly to the existing surface where stagnation of water, de bonded mortar and heavy cracking areas which effecting the leakages/dampness.  It has effective waterproofing with high degree of adhesion, high compressive and flexural concrete/mortar with minimized cracks and water stagnation.




ROOFCOAT FLEXI 100 /  ROOFCOAT  (Armstrong):

The Acrylic Polymer modified, Elastomeric  liquid, which has to be mixed with fine cement (gray or white) when mixed in proportion, forms an easily brushable coating act as bond coat provides tough, flexible, hard wearing surface with high bonding strength in between existing concrete substrate and proposed polymer concrete/mortar.


ROOFGUARD 500 provides excellent resistant to the cracking and over comes  the risk of shrinkage, chloride free best perform for reinforced concrete, highly durable and high flexural strength [ 9 N/mm2 ] even thin sections of concrete, low permeability and protection against  moisture, atmospheric conditions.  High compressive strength [48 N/mm2], impact strength [3.9Kg/cm] with excellent  workability, better cohesion for  concrete/mortar mixes.  Corresponding increase in tensile strength of concrete / mortar is also achieved by polymer impregnation.


Dosage   / Coverage  : 


ROOFCOAT FLEXI 100  / ROOFCOAT  :  (Armstrong )

Surface coating :  ROOFCOAT FLEXI 100 ( Armstrong )

part  1  Ltr  + Cement  2  Kgs + Sufficient  water  for  paint  like  consistency




Coverage  :  50 to 60 SFT / Ltr / coat  recommended.  



Admixture for  concrete  repairs  recommended  2  to 4  Ltrs

Per 50 Kgs cement.

Specialized Polymer cement  mortar plastering treatment to the deteriorated ceiling portion of roof slabs, terrace, water retaining structures, toilets etc.,  has to be done as per the following procedure:




[1]   Chipping of existing deteriorated, damaged, loose particles of

        ceiling  complete with wire brushes, wooden mallets ,removing of

        corrosion/rust from reinforcement bars with emery paper/rust

        removing chemicals  and cleaning of the surface from dirt and dust


[2]   Surface is then thoroughly Sprinkled with water


[3].  Providing of extra steel reinforcement bars wherever necessary

        by tying with epoxy resins  or  by welding with existing bars 


 ( Necessary steel reinforcement should be  provided by Department at free of cost )            

[4]  Providing and applying one coat of Corrosion preventive     coating

       treatment to exposed steel reinforcement bars with

       ROOFGUARD AC /  ROOFGUARD RC  (Armstrong).


[5]   Providing and applying one coat of  Latex rubber based  bonding

        agent –ROOFBOND SBR (Armstrong)

        mixing with cement as per  manufacturers specification.


[6].  Laying of Polymer cement  mortar plastering  mix of 1:4 mixing

       with Acrylic Polymer admixture for reinstatement concrete/mortar

        ROOFCRETE AR 576 (Armstrong ) @ 2 Ltrs, per

        bag of 50 Kgs., cement at an average thickness of 20mm  as a

       first  coat  and  later another  10mm with neat finish. OR  

       Item No.6 can be done mixing with - ROOFGUARD 500  ( Armstrong)

      per bag of 50 Kgs  cement as above advised.




Surface preparation is of great importance and will affect the degree of adhesion and life of the treatment.  Surface has been prepared by  chipping of existing deteriorated, damaged, loose particles of ceiling  with wire brushes, wooden mallets, removal of corrosion, rust from exposed reinforcement  4and  cleaning of the surface from dirt and dust. Extra steel reinforcement support will be provided wherever necessary and the same should be supplied by Dept., at free of cost.



Polymer cement mortar treatment for repairs of roof ceilings,   particularly to the existing ceiling which was de bonded, corrosion effective and lose of strength. The treatment will provide corrosion preventive measures and sealing of capillary tracks of concrete, excellent rehabilitation with  high degree of adhesion, high compressive and flexural strength to repaired mortar, it also reduce the shrinkage of mortar and  minimized cracks, thus it proven to be the most effective treatment for ceiling.




 ROOFGUARD  AC  ( Armstrong ) :

Ready to use single component, long lasting corrosion preventive coating for steel reinforcement which penetrates in microscopic cracks and crevices due to its ultra high surface attraction, excellent chemical resistant to most diluted acids and alkalies, excellent adhesion to steel and cement, non-toxic and non-flammable with high durable coating.


ROOFBOND  SBR  ( Armstrong  ) :

Excellent  bonding strength  between  old and new  concrete,  corrosion  inhibiting, admixture  for cementitious  systems.  Excellent  for waterproofing systems  and  structural  rehabilitation  works,  abrasion resistant  flooring.  Ideal to use for bonding  for  concrete  repairs.


ROOFCRETE  AR 576  ( Armstrong  )

The liquid of product based on acrylic co-polymers when mixed with cement will produce  high build, super strength, reinstatement mortar for  repairs and rehabilitation  of damaged / distressed  RCC members.  It provides excellent resistant to the cracking and over comes  the risk of shrinkage, protect reinforcement, highly durable and high flexural strength [ 8 N/mm2 ] even thin sections of plaster, high compressive strength [42 N/mm2], impact strength [3Kg/cm] with excellent  workability, better cohesion for  mortar mixes.  Corresponding increase in tensile strength of applied mortar  by polymer impregnation.


Dosage  / Coverage  : 


ROOFBOND SBR : ( Armstrong )

Bond coat  50-60 SFT  per  Ltr / coat  mix  for repair  10 Ltrs Per bag of  50 Kgs  cement.


ROOFGUARD AC :  ( Armstrong)

50 – 60  SFT  per  Ltr  / Coat


ROOFCRETE AR  576 : (Armstrong)

500ml  to  2 Ltrs  per bag of  50 Kgs  cement  for  on site  mixing

Specialized Liquid  concentrated micronised cement  mortar plastering  treatment to the deteriorated ceiling portion of roof slabs, terrace, water retaining structures, toilets etc.,  has to be done as per the following procedure:




[1]   Chipping of existing deteriorated, damaged, loose particles of

        ceiling  complete with wire brushes, wooden mallets ,removing of

        corrosion/rust from reinforcement bars with emery paper/rust

        removing chemicals  and cleaning of the surface from dirt and dust


[2]   Surface is then thoroughly Sprinkled with water


[3].  Providing of extra steel reinforcement bars wherever necessary

        by tying with epoxy resins  or  by welding with existing bars 


 ( Necessary steel reinforcement should be  provided by Department at free of cost )            


[4]    Providing and applying one coat of Corrosion preventive   coating

         treatment to exposed steel reinforcement bars with

         ROOFGUARD  AC / ROOFGUARD RC  (Armstrong).


[5]   Providing and applying one coat of Latex rubber based bonding

        agent – ROOFBOND SBR ( Armstrong) mixing with cement as per 

        manufacturers specification.


[6].  Laying of cement  mortar plastering  at 1:4  ratio  mixing

        with Liquid  concentrated  micronised  cement mortar  plastering 

        treatment  with – ROOFGUARD 500 (Armstrong) @ 500ML  

        per bag of 50 Kgs., cement at an average thickness of 20mm as a

        first  coat  and  later another 10mm with neat finish.




Surface preparation is of great importance and will affect the degree of adhesion and life of the treatment.  Surface has been prepared by  chipping of existing deteriorated, damaged, loose particles of ceiling  with wire brushes, wooden mallets, removal of corrosion, rust from exposed reinforcement  and  cleaning of the surface from dirt and dust. Extra steel reinforcement support will be provided wherever necessary and the same should be supplied by Dept., at free of cost.



Liquid concentrated micronised cement mortar treatment for repairs of roof ceilings,   particularly to the existing ceiling which was de bonded, corrosion effective and lose of strength. The treatment will provide corrosion preventive measures and sealing of capillary tracks of concrete, excellent rehabilitation with  high degree of adhesion, high compressive and flexural strength to repaired mortar, it also reduce the shrinkage of mortar and  minimized cracks, thus it proven to be the most effective treatment for ceiling.





ROOFGUARD AC  (Armstrong ):

Ready to use single component, long lasting corrosion preventive coating for steel reinforcement which penetrates in microscopic cracks and crevices due to its ultra high surface attraction, excellent chemical resistant to most diluted acids and alkalies, excellent adhesion to steel and cement, non-toxic and non-flammable with high durable coating.


ROOFBOND SBR   (Armstrong ) :

Excellent  bonding   strength between  old and  new  concrete, corrosion inhibiting, admixture  for cementitious  systems. Excellent  for waterproofing  systems  and structural rehabilitation works, abrasion  resistant  flooring.  Ideal  to use for  bonding for concrete repairs.


ROOFGUARD  500  (Armstrong ) :

Provides   5000-6000  millions  insoluble  water repellent / hydrophobic  particles  of  20  micron  mean  diameter, capable  of  providing  a  secure  water repellency  in the surface  of capillary channels / voids / pores  as well as  blocking  the same  in  cement / concrete.  To reduce  permeability of concrete  and cement sand  mortar  for use in basements, roof  slabs, screeds and  water retaining  structures  with excellent  bonding  adhesion  and also as an  admixture  for free flow waterproof cement grouting.


Dosage  /  Coverage  : 

ROOFGUARD 500  : ( Armstrong )

 500ml  Per  Bag  of  50 Kgs Cement.


ROOFBOND SBR  : ( Armstrong )

Bond coat  50-60 SFT per  bag Ltr / coat  mix of 

repair 10 Ltrs / Per bag of 50 Kgs cement. 


ROOFGUARD  AC  : ( Armstrong )

50 – 60  SFT  Per Ltr  / Coat

Specialized structural repairs  to deteriorated, distressed concrete elements of columns / beams  of OHTs, Bridges, Tunnels, Buildings etc., has to be done as per the following procedure:




 [1]  Chipping of existing deteriorated, loose particles of concrete/mortar of column/beams complete with wooden mallets , removing of corrosion/rust from reinforcement bars with emery paper/rust  removing chemicals  and cleaning of the surface from dirt and dust.


[2]   Providing and fixing of additional reinforcement bar support wherever necessary by welding or binding with epoxy resins.


[3]   Applying One coat of Corrosion preventive coating to exposed steel reinforcement bars with- ROOFGUARD AC /  ROOFGUARD RC ( Armstrong ).


[4]   Applying one coat of Epoxy  Bonding agent as bond coat with ROOFBOND EP (Armstrong ) mixing with Epoxy resin & hardener as per manufacturers specification.


[5]   Providing and laying of Polymer cement concrete  of 1: 2 :4 ratio with 6mm down graded metal mixing with Acrylic Polymer admixture for reinstatement concrete/mortar –  ROOFCRETE AR 576 (Armstrong) @ 2 Ltrs, per bag of 50 Kgs., cement,  OR with  ROOFCRETE AR Systems ( Armstrong ) to an average thickness of 50mm 


[6]  Laying of Polymer cement Mortar mix of 1:4 ratio mixing with Acrylic Polymer admixture for reinstatement concrete/mortar ROOFCRETE  AR 576 (Armstrong) @ 2 Ltrs per bag of 50 Kgs Cement  OR with ROOFCRETE AR Systems ( Armstrong ) at an average thickness  of 12mm  with neat finish.


[7]   Immediately after mortar application, applying a coat of Concrete curing agent with – ROOFEXCURE WB (Armstrong ).



Surface has been prepared by  chipping of existing deteriorated, damaged, loose particles of concrete  with wire brushes, wooden mallets, removal of corrosion / rust from exposed reinforcement  and  cleaning of the surface from dirt and dust.



Polymer concrete treatment for repairs and strengthening of columns/beams, particularly load bearing columns/beams with  corrosion effect, lose of strength, showing distress in form of  cracks, this treatment will provide excellent corrosion preventive measures and sealing of capillary tracks of concrete, excellent rehabilitation with  high degree of adhesion, durability, high compressive and flexural strength to repaired concrete, it also reduces risk of shrinkage and  minimized cracks, thus it proven to be most effective treatment for columns/beams.





 ROOFGUARD  AC  ( Armstrong):

Ready to use single component, long lasting corrosion preventive coating for steel reinforcement which penetrates in microscopic cracks and crevices due to its ultra high surface attraction, excellent chemical resistant to most diluted acids and alkalies, excellent adhesion to steel and cement, non-toxic and non-flammable with high durable coating.


ROOFBOND EP  (Armstrong) :

Two component epoxy resin based bonding agent to get excellent adhesion strength to cement/steel, can be applied on dry and damp surfaces to use as bonding agent for old and new concrete and for critical repairs.


ROOFCRETE AR 576 (Armstrong) :

 The product based on acrylic co-polymers when mixed with cement will produce  high build, super strength, reinstatement concrete/mortar for  repairs and rehabilitation of damaged / distressed  RCC members.  It provides excellent resistant to the cracking and over comes  the risk of shrinkage, protect reinforcement, highly durable and high flexural strength [9 N/mm2] even thin sections of concrete, high compressive strength [45 N/mm2], impact strength [3.9 Kg/cm] with excellent  workability, better cohesion for concrete/mortar mixes.  Corresponding increase in tensile strength of applied concrete/mortar  by polymer impregnation.


ROOFEXCURE WB  (Armstrong ) : 

To  provide  a membrane  which will  retain sufficient  moisture for effective  curing of  an  applied  concrete  surface  when  its  in green.  It forms  into a non-penetrating.  Seamless  film  when  contract with cement  surface,  which  prevents  water  evaporation. This reduces  the  use of water,  minimizes risk  of drying  shrinkage  cracks and   no risk of  poor curing  and  ensures  that  cement  hydrates  efficiently.  It can be applied by brush or  spray which  forms  moisture  barrier  for whole of the  curing period.


Dosage/Coverage : (Armstrong )


1. ROOFGUARD AC                                              :    50 – 60  SFT  Per Ltr  / Coat

2.  ROOFBOND EP                                                  :    20  to  25  SFT / Kg  / Coat

3.  ROOFCRETE AR 576                                         :   Recommended to mix @ 500ml to 2 Ltrs  Per Bag  of  50 Kgs Cement. 

4.  ROOFEXCURE  WB                                           :    4-5 Sq. Mtr.  / Ltr  / coat  

Specialized Waterproofing treatment to the Bathroom / Toilets etc., has to be done as per the following procedure:





[1]. DISMANTLING and cleaning away carefully stacking useful materials  for re-use and disposal of unserviceable materials  including loading and  unloading charges.

[2]  Surface is then thoroughly sprinkled with water.

[3]  GROUTING with specialised grout additives

[a]. Drilling of holes with power drilling machine  to the required depth [12mm to 14mm sized holes]

[b]. Fixing of Nipples

[c]. Grouting of holes with 140 PSI Grout pump with  cement slurry and mixing with Specialised free flow, non-shrink grout additives– RAPIDSTRONG GROUT ADMIX  ( Armstrong )

(Recommended 250 Grams – RAPIDSTRONG GROUT ADMIX (  Armstrong )  has to mix per 50 Kgs of cement  add required water

o make a cement slurry)

[d]. Removing of nipples

[e].  Sealing of the nozzle, with Polymer sealing compound ROOFCRETE AR 576  Or  ROOFBOND SBR  (Armstrong ) + CEMENT.                                   

 (Recommended 2 - 4 grout points per Sq.Mtr., area of repair) 

[4]  Providing and applying Two coats of Acrylic Polymer Elastomeric Cementitious coating as bond coat  with-  ROOFCOAT FLEXI 100  /  ROOFCOAT (Armstrong)  mixing  with Cement as per manf., specification.

 [5]  Laying of Waterproof cement mortar mix of 1:4 mixing with  Integral cement  waterproof compound – ROOFGUARD  500  (Armstrong) @  500ml, per bag of 50 Kgs. cement at an average thickness of 20mm

[6]  Supply and fixing of 12mm PVC out let pipe to bottom floor of  sunken / low level toilets / bathrooms.

[7]  Filling of sunken / low level areas with light weight concrete in C.C. (1:5:10)prop Liquid Concentrated micronized cement waterproofing treatment  with -   ROOFGUARD  500  (Armstrong) @ 500ml per bag of cement mix or  with cinder filling.

[8]  Providing and fixing of 23” (502mm) long white glazed Indian W.C. pan ISI mark with P or S Trap with brick masonry seat 12mm   PVC connections with required accessories complete

[9]   Supply and fixing of C.I. pipes, sealing of joints with mixing of ROOFCRETE  AR 576 / ROOFCRETE SUPERLATEX  Or  ROOFCRETE URP(Armstrong) with cement and fine sand like paste form and fixing all specials such as plug blends, off sets, single junctions, A.C. cowls, double junctions etc.,

[10]  Supply and fixing of 150mm (6”) x 100mm (4”) gully trap 1st class with C.I. grating and constructing  single brick masonry wall chamber of required size in cement mortar of 1:6 ratio,  over a C.C. 1:5:10 prop., bed and plastering 12mm thick in cement mortar at 1:4 ratio both inside and outside surface all by admixing with Integral micronized cement waterproofing compound – ROOFGUARD 500 (Armstrong) @ 500ml per bag ofcement mix and fitted with 12”x9”C.I. frame and hinged cover of standard make.

[11]  Supply and fixing 75mm (3”) C.I. nahany trap 1st quality with C.P. grating, trap black painted in all floors for finished item of work

[12]  Providing and laying  bed of cement concrete  or RCC slab of 1:2:4 ratio, mixing with  admixture for concrete/mortar - ROOFGUARD 500 (Armstrong )@ 500ml  per  Bag of 50 Kgs cement to an average thickness of 50mm

[13] Flooring in toilets with ceramic tiles of 1st quality of make 6mm thick  of size 200mmx200m or 8mm thick 300mm x 300mm set over a base  coat of CM (1:8) prop 12mm thick admixing with Liquid Concentrated micronized cement waterproofing  treatment with –  ROOFGUARD 500 (Armstrong) @ 500ml per bag of cement mix, and fixing of tiles with tile fixing adhesive –TILEX(Armstrong)  mixing with TILEX SUPER LATEX (Armstrong) @ 200ml per Bag of TILEX (Armstrong) and filling of tile joints - TILEX TG(Armstrong) with  white cement mixed with  Polymer admixture for  cement-TILEX URP Or  SUPER LATEX (Armstrong)instead of mixing with water to make paste like consistency mix.


As per the site condition instead of  ROOFGUARD 500,  RAINPROOF No. 1/  RAINPROOF LW SPL /CONPROOF No. 1/  CONPROOF  LW 200 also can be used.


Dosage /Coverage : 


@ 250 Grams  Per  bag of  50 Kgs Cement. 


RAPIDSTRONG QS  :  ( Armstrong)       

1 to 3  Ltrs  per  Bag of  50 Kgs  Cement  Depending on the setting time



ROOFCOAT FLEXI 100  / ROOFCOAT  ( Armstrong)

Surface  coating  :   Part  1  :  1 Ltr  Cement :  2 Kgs  + Sufficient water Paint  like  consistency   mix 


Coverage  :    25  to   30 SFT  / Ltr /  2  Coats